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"It takes a whole village to raise a child"

As this African proverb says, we believe that the human being is a social being and can grow and flourish through the community that surrounds him. Therefore, we consciously promote community life with our traditions, which are our roots. At the same time, we open ourselves to the world and seek the intercultural exchange that inspires us. Through these many contacts, a worldwide community has been formed which supports the campus vivant'e - the vivante community.

Various activities take place in the whole valley around the everyday school life, which the campus vivant'e initiates, supports or makes possible. This also includes the work of the women's cooperatives, which cultivate traditional or new crafts and sell their products (carpets, fabrics, oil, vinegar, basketry and much more) to support their families and promote their independence.

The campus vivant'e offers a platform and the necessary infrastructure for various initiatives from the population. We allow the valley population to actively participate in school and project development. Through informational events, workshops, further education and exchange meetings, bazaars and much more, everyone has the opportunity to get involved in their own way.

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